OEC Classes
Outdoor Emergency Care classes will be held throughout the So Cal Region in an area near you.
Contact the Instructor of Record for your chosen class, then register.
NOTE: Most classes will be based on Outdoor Emergency Care 6th edition. This text is expected to be released by May 2020
To register, follow either of these two paths:
Path one
Check out our PATROLS page. Requirements vary. Please review the steps below:
To join, go to nspserves.org. After joining, you can view courses by clicking Member Resources and Course Schedule.
Path Two
Join as Associate. Follow these steps.
Contact memberservices@nsp.org for more information about membership.
Contact the Instructor of Record for schedule, availability and requirements before registering.
Big Bear Area
Class completed for this year
Contact Jim Murphy. Jmurphy@bigbearskipatrol.com
San Fernando Valley Area
This course will be deferred until next year.
Contact Wayne Wong: wjw.053@live.com
San Diego Area
This course will be deferred until next year
Contact Steve Sue: oecsandiego@gmail.com
Long Beach Area
This course will be deferred until next year
Contact Barbara Baxter prior to registering: barbax14@gmail.com