Ski Dazzle 2019
We need YOU!
Join fellow patrollers and share your authentic patrol experiences with potential recruits, at SkiDazzle 2019.
NSP members representing ALL levels are encouraged to share your story: Candidates, Auxiliary, Alpine, Nordic, Senior, Volunteer or Pro.
Choose one or more, two-hour blocks.
Friday, December 6: 3pm – 11pm
Saturday, December 7: 11am – 10pm
Sunday, December 8: Noon – 6pm
This is a great way to connect with other patrollers, answer questions from the public, and check out the latest in snowsport technology, while supporting our regional recruitment efforts. And your admission is FREE!
Contact: Scott Goodman, 818-322-4488
Your recruitment team,
Tina Choi, George Tinoco, Wayne Wong, & Scott Goodman