We will be putting on an Instructor Development Course on Sunday, June 25, at the Orange County Fire Station #48 in Seal Beach. The course will start at 8:30AM and is expected to last approximately 8 hours. Lunch will be provided.
You must register for this course on the NSP website to enroll in the class. Log into your NSP page and under Member Resources, choose "Course Schedule" and search under course number for F050170023. Click on the course name (Instructor Development), click "Register Myself", and follow the directions. There is no charge for the course, your cart will say $0.00. Please copy me at dch@cadwest.com on the course confirmation.
You must download the course textbook, "Training the Adult Learner" and study the first ten chapters prior to class. It is not necessary to print the entire 119-page book. You may download it to a tablet, laptop, or desktop PC and study it on your computer. Space is limited, this course is expected to fill, so please sign up early.
This course is open to all Southern California Region patrollers. The Instructor Development Course is an elective for the Senior Program and a prerequisite for becoming an instructor in any NSP discipline (Avalanche, Instructor Development, Mountain Travel and Rescue, Outdoor Emergency Care, and Outdoor Emergency Transportation). Please advise me (e-mail: dch@cadwest.com) by June 18 if you will be attending the course.
The Orange County Fire Authority Station #48 is located at 3131 N. Gate Road, Seal Beach, CA90740-6379, and is directly adjacent to and on the south side of the San Diego (405) freeway at Seal Beach Blvd. A map link to the fire station is here. If you have any questions regarding this course, you may call me at the numbers below or e-mail me at any time. Thank you.
Douglas Hill
Instructor Development Program Supervisor
NSP Southern California Region & Far West Division
Home: 714-638-2103 Work: 310-375-9700 Cell: 310-291-1735
e-mail: dch@cadwest.com or fwd-id@farwest.org